Here's a buck we found in 2005 while scouting for the Arizona auction tag hunter. We had actually never scouted this unit prior to 2005. We drove through the unit once to get to another unit and saw some decent bucks so we came back to check it out more thoroughly. When we found this buck we figured we were "done" scouting for the auction tag hunt because we thought this buck would score over 90-inches. Unfortunately, when we located D2 on July 12th he had broken his left horn tip (you can see this in the bottom photo) and we had to hunt a different buck. We never saw this buck again, but we did hear rumors of a giant being taken out of this unit that same year.
One year wonders is going to be a section of the blog where we highlight giant bucks that we got photos or video of for only one season. The defining characteristic of all of these bucks is that we never saw them again - not dead or alive.
This particular buck, Buddha, I've posted photos of before, but since I like him so much I thought I'd post his photos again. The following excerpt was pulled from the old blog: We found this buck in Unit 7 in 2002. He was running with a buck we thought was about 87 inches and Buddha clearly dwarfed him. We didn't have any hunters for this unit, but we went up to locate the buck the day before opening day and to hopefully see the buck on the ground if someone took him. Unfortunately the buck was nowhere to be found the day before opening day or anytime during the hunt. We never saw the buck again. |
January 2020