A quick review of the 5 bucks currently posted for field judging. Hopefully if any of you were way off this post will help correct some of those errors and make you better in the field. Don't read this if you haven't entered your guesses. Do that HERE now. BUCK 1 For Buck 1 the average results were really good. L 15 2/8 P 5 6/8 B 6 5/8 1 6 5/8 2 4 1/8 3 2 7/8 82 4/8 This result was really close to what I originally guessed. I have 2 comments for this quiz: 1. Several people listed a 6" or bigger 2nd quarter measurement. Maybe they forgot that this is the measurement that goes above the prong. The 2nd quarter is the same as the D3 on the B&C scoresheet. A 6" measurement for the 2nd quarter would be among the largest ever. 2. Several people listed 3.5" - 4" prong measurements. Maybe this was because they were only guessing the length of the prong that protrudes off the main horn. Remember that the total prong length wraps around to the center of the back of the horn. This usually adds about 2" to 2.5" to the length. If a prong was only 3.5" - 4" it would extend off the horn less than the width of the eye. This buck's prong is probably about 3.5" off the main horn. If we add 2" for the measurement that wraps around to the back of the horn then the prong would be 5.5". BUCK 2 For Buck 2 the crowd was also pretty close on the overall guess. The individual measurements were close as well. L 16 4/8 P 7 1/8 B 6 7/8 1 7 1/8 2 4 1/8 3 2 7/8 89 2/8 The crowd was a little short on the length and a little high on the base. Other than that the numbers were very good! The same error occurred with the 2nd quarter measurement with several guesses over 6". This time there were a few really large base measurements and 1st quarters also. Some as high as 9" and 10". For future scoring reference - the largest bases and 1st quarters are usually in the 8" range. Even 8" is reserved for only the biggest of the big! BUCK 3 Buck 3 the overall guesses were on the low side. L 16 5/8 P 6 B 6 7/8 1 7 1/8 2 4 5/8 3 3 3/8 89 2/8 The biggest miss here was the length. I'm not sure why that is, but maybe it was because of the poor quality video. It was taken about 20 years ago when "HD" didn't exist! Haha. BUCK 4 Buck 4 was a success with the crowd achieving a very good score. The only big difference between my guess and the crowds was with the length measurement. L 15 P 7 1/8 B 6 1/8 1 6 2/8 2 3 5/8 3 2 4/8 81 2/8 I guessed the length much shorter. Perhaps it's because I'm assuming the buck is a 2 year old and thus has a very small head and body. Or maybe I'm wrong and the true length is somewhere between the crowds guess and my own. BUCK 5 Buck 5 was probably the farthest off from the actual score. L 16 6/8 P 6 2/8 B 6 7/8 1 7 2 4 1/8 3 3 88 I'm guessing this is just a small sample size error since this quiz has the fewest entries so far. I'll post more field judging quizzes as this year progresses and we find new bucks to film. |
January 2020